Farendar, Valtania and you, walked through the frozen spears, looking for the last loyal soldiers who were hiding somewhere in the mountains. After two weeks of hard work and with many Esklavos server issues, here I bring a new chapter of Quebrantar! With new puzzles...
Farendar Valtania y tú caminaron cuesta arriba por las lanzas heladas, buscando a los últimos soldados leales que se ocultaban en algún lugar de la montaña. Después de dos semanas de arduo trabajo, y de solucionar problemas en el servidor de esklavos, acá les traigo...
I have some news about Quebrantar. The first one is the object purchase system. Yaltaris is the first merchant and he can be found in the Quebrantar merchant. He has three main weapons for sale, short sword, staff and bow. Each one is focused on your preference. For...
Les tengo varias noticias acerca de Quebrantar. La primera es el sistema de compra de objetos. Yaltaris es el primer comerciante y lo pueden encontrar en los mercaderes de Quebrantar. Principalménte tiene tres armas a la venta, espada corta, bastón y arco. Cada una...
Farendar was waiting fou you in Tuormur to talk about an important issue, but his health worsened after leaving the Quebrantar prison. There’s a powerful toxin flowing in his veins produced by the non-living or Shapibi. If you go to the black swamp to find the...