por Fede | Jun 15, 2008 | Doctor Ku, Juegos, Juegos de Escape, Nuestros Juegos
Lo prometido… La segunda parte de Doctor Ku. Y ahora con un nuevo reto, escapar de la cocina. Espero que se diviertan jugándolo, tanto como nosotros nos divertimos creándo. Diviértanse! – Fede...
por Fede | Jun 15, 2008 | Doctor Ku Chapters, Escape Games, Games, Our games
This is the second part of Doctor Ku. In this episode you must escape from the kitchen. I hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed creating it. Enjoy! – Fede...
por Fede | Jun 4, 2008 | Escape Games, Esklavos series, Games, Our games
Yes I know, two months since the last chapter This one took me more work than others, because it contains one of the most important parts of the story. This chapter is longer than the previous one. I hope you enjoy it until the final chapter arrives. Enjoy! –...
por Fede | May 6, 2008 | Doctor Ku, Juegos, Juegos de Escape, Nuestros Juegos
No crean que es el c16. Como les había dicho, tal vez publicaba un juego de escape mientras terminaba el c16. Y bien, el juego se llama Doctor KU – the cellar (el sotano). Es el principio de una aventura que desarrollamos con Carlos, un amigo. A ver que les...
por Fede | May 6, 2008 | Doctor Ku Chapters, Escape Games, Games, Our games
It is not the c16. It is an escape adventure game that we have created with Carlos (a friend of mine). The game is called Doctor KU – the cellar. Have fun!!! – Fede