When you woke up, the first thing you saw was a mysterious note on the front door. «Do not open gifts before midnight, they can come alive …». But curiosity is so big. Enjoy! – Fede
Al despertar, lo primero que viste fue una misteriosa nota en la puerta de casa. «No abras los regalos antes de las doce, pueden cobrar vida…». Pero la curiosidad es muy grande. Diviértanse! – Fede ——- When you woke up, the first thing you saw...
La única forma de escapar de la navidad mágica es consiguiendo todos los regalos de la lista! – Diviértanse! —– The only way to escape from the magic christmas is to get all the gifts in the wishlist! – Enjoy!
I have some news about Quebrantar. The first one is the object purchase system. Yaltaris is the first merchant and he can be found in the Quebrantar merchant. He has three main weapons for sale, short sword, staff and bow. Each one is focused on your preference. For...