after_easter_escape_Estabas limpiando el altillo de tu casa cuando encontraste una extraña caja cerrada con mecanismos complejos. Cuando te acercaste pudiste oir tenues golpeteos. Tal vez no sea una buena idea intentar abrirla, pero eso depende de tí.
Un poco tarde pero salió el juego de pascua :) Estuve creando nuevos puzzles, algunos bastante difíciles, pero no imposibles.
Diviértanse! – Fede
You were cleaning out the attic of your house when you found a strange closed box with complex mechanisms. You could hear a faint tapping coming from that box. Maybe not a good idea to try to open it, but that depends on you. A little late but here you have the easter game :) I was creating new puzzles, some quite difficult, but not impossible.
Enjoy! – Fede