Duendes in christmas 2 ! La segunda generación de duendes llega al nuevo portal de Esklavos. Pumpus, Gofin, Gogor y Lumiena son los protagonistas. El objetivo es simple: fabricar seis regalos. Pero a veces los duendes pueden enojarse y arruinar la navidad… Por lo tanto, el final puede cambiar, dependiendo de lo que hagamos.
Espero que se diviertan, y Felíz Navidad! – Fede
The second generation of elves comes to the new Esklavos portal. Pumpus, Gofin, Gogor and Lumiena are the protagonists. The goal is simple: produce six gifts. But sometimes the elves can become angry and ruin Christmas … Therefore, the end can change depending on what we do.
Have fun, and Merry Christmas! – Fede
I love the work that you are doing and the launcher is by far the fatesst that is on the market today. Keep up the good work. Just a request is there anyway to start a mailing list so that we can call get e-mails of when there are updates and some information about them.Thanks,